“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
— Lao Tzu
I was introduced to Lao Tzu’s quote (above) when I was a child. And, I could barely wait until I was finally old enough for my ‘journey’ to begin as an adult.
Yet, when I graduated from college and was free to start living my life, it seemed as if I was stuck in ‘park.’ My journey was going nowhere fast.
I had no shortage of ideas of journeys. In fact, I had a vast variety of opportunities and possibilities. Rather than feeling blessed by this abundance, I felt overwhelmed because I did not know which opportunity was the ‘best’ or ‘right’ decision for me to choose as my first step.
I was stuck at the starting line.
Thank goodness I finally attracted a powerful inspiration which helped me to take my first step on what has proven to be a journey of joy and adventure.
The inspiration I received came from motivational expert Zig Ziglar, who I heard say, “Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly…the first time. Because if you are not willing to risk doing it poorly in order to learn, then you really don’t want to do it all.”
His words lit a fire in my belly and got my engine revving!
He made it easy for me to realize that of all the opportunities that I was considering, there was only one that I felt willing to do poorly in order to learn and grow as I journeyed towards mastery.
I took the first tenuous step and then another and then another….and this is where I am on my path today.
Which is why I appreciate Brenda Wiener, a Master Chi-Lifter and Founder of PathwaystoHarmony.com, for what she shared recently…
“I have a tendency to want to do something perfectly the first time. I am learning that this tendency for perfection is sometimes a cover up to not move forward. “Oh I can’t start that because I can’t do it perfect.” Yeah right, if I am honest with myself the real issue is that I have a fear I am not ready to address.
Instead, I choose to remember that I am moving from seeding to sprouting to blooming with incorporating the 11 Chi-To-Be! Energy Surges into my daily routine. For this month, I have chosen to focus on Energy Surge #8 – Keeping Your Chi Moving. This weekend I took care of filing some paperwork that had been piling up in my office. As I was filing I realized that there was a lot of paperwork that could actually just be recycled and/or burned. IT DID NOT need to be kept. In fact I was able to empty an entire file drawer! By taking that first step, I now have an empty file drawer ready for the abundance to be received from a new business venture. And guess what – that first step was not nearly as time-consuming as I had believed it would be.”
What ‘first steps’ have you taken recently?
One first step you may want to take now is to watch this short Attraction Tip on taking first steps…the video is less than 2 minutes in length.
Thanks for commenting below on how this Tip made a difference for you.
And, feel free to tag and share, too!
Stacey Hall, L.S.H., C.N.T.C., C.A.C, C.R.T.S.
Success Coach, Speaker, Best-Selling Author
CEO, Chi-To-Be!, LLC