“To walk safely through the maze of life…one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.” — Buddha
Does it ever feel to you that life is like an obstacle course?
For many of years of my adult life, I sure did! For me, the obstacles were made up of:
• other’s people’s endless requests for me to do things for them
• all the ‘shoulds’ I thought I was required to do in order to be a good person
• And many projects that turned out to be dead-ends!
The quote above inspired me, so I set out to acquire the “light of wisdom” and “the guidance of virtue.”
I prayed and meditated on how to get through the maze of each day with more ease, joy, grace and success. I received Divine inspirations and clear answers, which worked whenever I remembered to use them. I felt and continue to feel those inspirations were the ‘light of wisdom’ and ‘the guidance of virtue’ that Buddha suggested to “walk safely through the maze of life.”
To help me remember to use the 11 inspirations I received, I called them “Energy Surges” and I wrote them down and I shared them with my friends and clients. Eventually, I wrote my best-selling book, ‘Chi-To-Be!’, so I could share them with even more people.
One of those people who read ‘Chi-To-Be!’ and who became inspired to become a Master Chi-Lifter is Wendy Baila DeAngelis. Check out Wendy’s experience of taking a shortcut through the maze of life using the Energy Surges.
“Getting out of my car after dropping my daughter off at school this morning I remembered the two metal mosaic chairs tucked under the house that I want to place by my front steps. They are filthy. I carry them to their spots and head inside to get cleanser and paper towels. It is going to take me 20 – 30 minutes to clean them.
On the way back outside, I stopped in front of my steps and remembered that I have many scheduled intentional activities on my calendar for today. Some are scheduled for every Friday, some were added at the beginning of the week, and some were added just yesterday evening. Enter Chi-To-Be! Energy Surge #11: Personal Accountability. I immediately realized that if I chose to clean those chairs I was choosing to break an agreement with myself regarding everything else on my schedule for today that would sabotage my entire day and result in me feeling terrible, rushed and unproductive. The key word for me was CHOICE. I chose to use Chi-To-Be! Energy Surge #1: Scheduling for Success to schedule cleaning the chairs for another day.
Life happens, new information surrounding family, friends, career, pets, world events, and my own personal needs are the variables I now embrace throughout my day. Living and being in my own personal accountability makes the choices of what to do when so much easier. I now move through my day with a smile in my heart and on my face. To learn more about these Energy Surges and how to use them, check out https://www.chi-to-be.com/chi-store/books“
–Wendy Baila DeAngelis
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Stacey Hall, L.S.H., C.N.T.C., C.A.C, C.R.T.S.
Success Coach, Speaker, Best-Selling Author
CEO, Chi-To-Be!, LLC