‘Stay focused on the result you want and stop dwelling on your concerns. One leads to possibilities. The other to dead ends!’
This is Brain Awareness Week and I am sure you do agree that info overload is a real thing for us all. You could say it is an ‘info-demic’.
The good news is that it doesn’t take meds to cure it!
Just a willingness to accept it and stop beating ourself up for the information that we acquire and haven’t had time to review or use.
You know what I mean…all the courses we have downloaded, but have not yet reviewed because it is challenging to find the time to give it the attention you want to give it.
Think of all those courses as ‘the elephant.’
If you do, then you will also remember that we eat elephants one bite at a time.
It’s not too late to start now!
In fact, all of the courses you are sitting on and the notes you have taken are an absolute gold mine!
In order to turn those notes into money, you can now create content on what you learned with specific calls to action.
Would you just leave a bunch of uncashed checks sitting in your closet?
Heck no!
So you may want to schedule time to get out those old courses and set yourself up a game plan to go through them with your new goals in mind.
Time to convert those notes to currency!
And if you want more tips to go from Frazzled to Focused, download these 14 fun ways to stay in ACTION: https://ditchyourgrind.gopages.co/FrazzledtoFocused
Thanks for commenting below on how this
Success Tip will make a difference for you.And, feel free to tag and share, too!
Stacey Hall,
Go For Yes Success Strategist, Speaker, Best-Selling Author
CEO, Chi-To-Be!, LLC