Kaira Boston
The Business Whisper – Kaira, Inc.
My B-All: I am the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
The Most Important Thing In The World To Me Is: Freedom
Freedom affords me to be able to choose to be thankful, positive and joyful. I make my own decisions based on freedom and feel empowered knowing that I can move through life choosing to love and be happy.
I am a working wife and mother of a miracle little girl. I have been very successful moving through my life stepping up to each position I have been put in with my career. The success that I have achieved has been great but there still seemed to be “something” lacking. I was reading all the popular self-help books and that was not filling the void that was still in my heart. I made the decision that I was no longer going to write the same New Year’s Resolutions after this last time in 2013! The intention was made and shared to all that I would be in a different industry at some point in 2013.
In order to achieve this I employed many team members to support me achieve my goal. It was a huge step for me to reach out and accept help. The first team member was my holistic health coach. She was instrumental in not only sharing nutritious information but also emotional health. Her recommendation to read Chi-To-Be! Achieving Your Ultimate B-All was a game changer.
I read the book and became involved in the Chi-To-Be! Coaching Club, as well as the Attraction Mastery Program, because this was exactly what I was looking for and resonated most with me after all the searching I had been doing. These programs allowed me to practice the energy surges with others who were familiar and also practicing. What a wonderful feeling to learn more and practice these energy surges. The self-creating energy helped me to realize my power and purpose. That power has moved me through more goals faster than all my goal work in years past. I am confident that I will be writing different goals for 2014 and achieving my B-ALL with velocity and ease.
As I continue to move forward practicing the Chi-To-Be! Energy Surges, I intend to create a movement that encourages everyone to look for things to be thankful for daily which will attract even more gratitude. Ultimately, this will boost everyone to a consistent higher joyful vibration which will bring peace to all!
Kaira Boston, The Small Business Whisperer
Contact me at: www.kairainc.com or FB https://www.facebook.com/kairainc
Email: Kaira@kairainc.com
My B-All: To become abundantly prosperous using my gifts of creativity, knowledge and teaching to inspire others towards happiness and fulfillment while mastering and making use of media to reach a mass audience worldwide and entertaining friends and family in my dream home with the love of my life as we enjoy freedom and flexibility for travel, socializing and lots of cuddling with each other and our dogs.
The most important thing in the world to me is: Living my life practicing and experiencing my God-intended purpose.
My journey with Chi-To-Be! began during a time I chose to begin my life again after losing everything and coming out of a deep depression. The Chi-To-Be! Coaching Club, gave me the tools, support and emotional stability to not fall back into my same sabotaging patterns and instead move forward with velocity and speed. I have taken the strength and knowledge I have gained from Chi-To-Be energy surges, my personal experience and as a certified hypnotherapist, brain nutritionist, published author to develop my own program called “This Chic Is On Fire,” a transformational development program for right brain rebel women ready to blaze their own trail by learning how to use their own unique style to revolutionize the way they live, love and work. One of the most valuable lessons, I have learned through Chi-To-Be is the seeding, sprouting and blooming process which has taught me patience and to not take things personally, because we all have our own process that we go through which takes time. I continue to practice Chi-To-Be and every month, I’m still learning something new and growing even more. I take this lesson with me to teach others, how to have the same patience so that they can allow themselves to run their own personal course of growth to reach their full potential without judgement on themselves and instead with gratitude and love in recognizing each little or big achievement.
Jentana Lee Dabbs CHt
Contact me: www.thischicisonfire.com
Dortha Hise, Virtual Assistant
My B-All: I AM an internationally renowned speaker and author. I am traveling the world speaking and my family is able to travel with me. We are preparing for a trip to New Zealand along with Ben, Marisa, Hope and Autumn, to see where all of the Lord of the Rings movies were filmed.
The Most Important Thing In The World To Me Is: Being fulfilled—on so many levels of my life personally and professionally.
Participating in the Chi-to-Be Mastery Program has been incredibly fulfilling toward me. Every week, I am able to plug in with my fellow Chi Masters and discuss the energy surges, be able to bring real conversations and situations to the table for discussion and resolution has also been very rewarding. For me, practicing and following the 11 energy surges have become an instrumental way for me to grow and develop that most important thing in the world to me: being fulfilled. I had experienced a number of blocks in the past and they had been holding me back from my truest and most high potential. The energy surges have supported me every step of the way and with ease.
Learning to Schedule for Success each and every day has really propelled me forward in so many ways—I tend to be a person of “if it’s on the calendar, it happens.” I now have a day blocked out each week for my own projects, which was a huge feeling of accomplishment. I also have other activities that are important to me scheduled in, which tie into Energy Surge #6, The Power of Love. The power of Personal Accountability has been a huge accomplishment in my journey in riding the Chi…I now am able to sit with noble questions and know that ultimately I’m determining whether to do something because it is in alignment with achieving my B-All or not, and if I do or do not choose to do something, it is because I am holding myself accountable for those activities. That has been a tremendously powerful experience.
The Four Harmonious Agreements, and in particular, #2, Don’t Take Anything Personally has been another huge opportunity for growth. I have grown so much in this arena since starting the Chi-To-Be Mastery Program that I could probably write a book on the topic!
I am confident in myself and my choices and know that I am impeccable with my words, I hold myself accountable, sit with noble questions and determine what is the best course of action, all toward the fulfillment of my B-All. What an amazing gift Stacey has provided me in being a part of this life-transforming program.
Thank you Stacey Hall for paving the path and sharing your wisdom!
Paul E. Lofgreen, Jr. CLMT, BSBA
My B-All: I AM the co-creator and co-founder of the Mountain Top Wholeness Center, LLC, a facility with ALL of the resources necessary for a person to become whole: including, but not limited to: Massage Therapy, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Wedding Services, Herbology, Yoga, Counseling, Nutrition Instruction, Exercise/Stretching Programs, Holistic Medicine, Tai Chi with the intention of providing services to all types of people from all walks of life to aide them in achieving personal wholeness, freedom, authenticity and living a life of intention while supporting them to feel respected, uplifted & complimented through the course of healing body, mind and soul.
The Most Important Thing In The World To Me Is: To know/feel that God is pleased with me on a daily basis. This motivates me forward and gives me drive.
I attracted Chi-To-Be! at the perfect time in my life, just as I was preparing to graduate from Therapeutic Massage School and launch a new business.
During my time at school I had become overwhelmed by a plethora of new information and was becoming a bit disheartened that a man of my age (64 years old at that time) could actually assimilate and implement it.
Through the use of the Energy Surges I was able to clarify, focus and move forward with ease. Furthermore, having this tool has become critical for my desire to aide others in overcoming the roadblocks in their lives and achieving their deepest heart desires.
On those days when I become overwhelmed I am able to use the Energy Surges to raise my energy level to a point where I quickly achieve clarity and focus. Keeping my eye on my B-All allows me to separate the “wheat from the chaff” and move forward with confidence and a presence of mind that I have never before had.
The Chi-To-Be program works for anyone in any walk of life. I encourage you to become involved! Read the book, listen to the audios, and be active in the various Facebook and Meetup groups. I assure you that you will be forever changed and be amazed at how quickly your dreams become visions and your visions’ become reality!
I look forward to seeing many more people grow and move into a whole, free and authentic life as they truly and sincerely use this wonderful tool! I can’t wait to hear YOUR miraculous story!
You may contact me at Paul@MountainTopWholeness.com
My B-All: I AM living my life fully! I AM true to myself! I AM living my purpose as a whole person, freely expressing myself with joy!
The Most Important Thing In The World To Me Is: To be in line with God’s purpose for my life and live it out with joy!
The Chi-To-Be! book, Coaching Club and Stacey Hall’s individual coaching came into my life in the perfect timing! It was just the guidance and support I needed to restore balance to my life and create a life for myself. Connecting to my B-All was exactly what I needed, in order to hear my own inner guidance and begin living life fully!
The Energy Surges have been helping me restore my health and embrace my full potential. I have seen a transformation in my life from one that was exhausting, filled with anxiety, fear and stress to now living powerfully and purposefully. I have learned how to create the peace that I always desired, and how to attract into my life what is good for me. I am more intentional with everything I do and seeing my dreams come to life right before me!
The compassionate coaching from Stacey Hall and the support from the Chi-To-Be Coaching Club members has been priceless to me, and I have been lifted in several areas of my life when I was going throughout the most difficult times.
Through using the Energy Surges I have released many blocks that were holding me back from living my best life and I am finally attracting the good into my life that I’ve always wanted.
I highly recommend Chi-To-Be! to anyone who is seeking to break-through the blocks that are currently holding them back, and soar into a future that is full of happiness and success!
Contact me at: purposeful.expressions@gmail.com
My B-All: I AM a Young Living Royal Crown Diamond Level Member creating abundant cash flow so my husband can retire early, by December 31, 2017.
The most important thing in the world to me: Knowing that God loves me.
I was attracted to Chi-To-Be! when I saw a friend put on face book, if you didn’t know what direction your life was going and if your life was cluttered to go buy this book, Chi-To-Be! Achieving Your Ultimate B-All. I ordered the book immediately and couldn’t wait to get it. In the meantime, I joined some of the face book groups for Chi-To-Be! and signed up for the weekly Chi-Lifts. The book arrived and I started practicing and implementing the 11 energy surges in my life. I also received personal coaching from Stacey and things started changing in my life for the better ! First time in all 51 years in my life. Another thing I did was attend a Chi Generating Oil Anointing Technique. I attended the very first one and at that particular time, I wasn’t at a very good place in my life and I am attending another one this spring in Dallas, TX; 2015.
If you have any questions for me, you can reach me here: dawnschaupert@gmail.com
My B-All: I AM a loving wife and mother creating a peaceful and harmonious family that loves and respects one another. I AM financially prosperous and I enjoy abundant health.
The most important thing in the world to me: My relationship with God.
I know that I can accomplish anything with His strength and love. Knowing that God loves me and expects great things from me propels me to fulfill my purpose in helping others achieve abundant health.
I am a happily married wife of 22 years, mom of two beautiful children, a dōTERRA Essential Oils consultant, and Massage Therapist, facilitating healing sessions using a variety of techniques, including AromaTouch Technique, Raindrop Technique, Active Myofascial Therapy and more. I enjoy coaching others on the benefits of positive thinking and helping people to see their full potential and achieve their dreams! I give frequent talks on the benefits of essential oils and massage therapy and in my spare time, I am a singer, singing at weddings, funerals and leading my Church in song every Sunday. I enjoy showing others how they can take charge of their health and empower themselves with the knowledge that the body is designed to heal itself and that plants are our gift to assist us in getting back into balance. dōTERRA has transformed my life in so many ways and I am passionate about sharing the amazing healing properties of these essential oils.
I met Stacey Hall in July 2012 and was moved to immediately sign up to be a Circle Leader for Chi-To-Be!. I could not wait to bring this experience back to my team. I have always believed in professional coaching as a tool for self-development and when an opportunity arose for me to study the energy surges more deeply, I jumped at the chance to become part of the Chi-To-Be! Coaching Club.
Since participating in this program, I have seen many positive changes in my personal and business life. I have shared the Chi-To-Be! principles with my family and they are practicing the energy surges with me. It has made us closer as a family and we are achieving our goals together. Each member of my family has their own B-All. When one of my kids complains about doing something I relate it right back to their B-All. Once they see the significance of the activity as it relates to them, cooperation follows. We are adopting the Chi-To-Be! lifestyle, which means we are all in it together. We have eliminated negative self-talk and are being impeccable with our word, striving to use language that is uplifting to each other and those around us.
Since creating my Strategic Attraction Plan (Chi-To-Be! Energy Surge #4), I have attracted many new members to my dōTERRA family and they each have many of the attributes that I declared would be perfect for me on my plan. People are now seeking me out, who are interested in natural health care and are willing to invest in themselves to improve their health. I am spending more time with people who are aligned with me and my energy has increased as a result. I enjoy sharing these principles with my team, and sharing the energy surges with my partners has helped all of us advance our business goals and enjoy the journey.
Perhaps the biggest benefit was releasing the blocks that have kept me stuck for so long. Through Stacey’s coaching I have identified the blocks and fears that have held me back. I have released them and am now moving forward with velocity and ease towards achieving my goals! I highly recommend this program for anyone who is ready to transform their life and be all that they intend to be.
Contact me at:
Brenda M. Wiener, CNHP
Pathways To Harmony
My B-All: I AM a Royal Crown Diamond distributor with Young Living Essential Oils, a Chi Master and Zyto Elite practitioner who is educating and equipping hundreds of thousands of people with tools for health and prosperity through a Christian based approach all for the glory of God.
The most important thing in the world to me: Living a God-centered life.
The Chi-To-Be! Mastery Program™ came into my life so perfectly. I am a wife, mother of two young adults, a partner in my husband’s business and own and operate my own wellness consulting business, Pathways To Harmony. I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed. The Chi-To-Be! Mastery Program™ is giving me a new outlook on life.
In June of 2013 I was privileged to receive a Chi-Generating Oil Anointing. That was the turning point for me. I started to notice shifts in my thought processes and the things I was able to get accomplished. I had an even stronger desire for more changes and chose to participate in the Chi-To-Be! Mastery Program™.
The shifts and rewards are showing up in my openness to share my faith with others; rank advancement, additional team members and up and coming business builders in my Young Living organization; more open and rewarding communication between everyone in my immediate family; and I am attracting ideal clients who are booking appointments for my services.
I AM excited to be sharing Chi-To-Be! with each of my clients. I am watching the changes that Chi-To-Be! is creating in each client and these changes will create larger and larger change in the world one Chi-Lifter at a time.
In Gratitude,
Brenda M. Wiener, Pathways To Harmony
Contact me at: www.pathwaystoharmony.com or FB https://www.facebook.com/PathwaysToHarmony
Email: pathwaystoharmony@gmail.com