“When you feel the need to have the right person show up in your life, affirm: 'I know the right person is arriving in divine order at precisely the perfect time.” -- Wayne Dyer Do you find yourself biting your tongue when you are in conversation with some people in your life? Do you ever dread going to events and … [Read more...]
The 3rd of 3 Simple Hacks For Getting to The Attraction Zone Fast
“Many people spend too much time trying to be the captain of someone else’s boat. Learn to be a lighthouse and the boats will find their way.” -- Anonymous Thanks for checking back in to receive my 3rd Law of Attraction Shortcut. Did you know that researchers have discovered that we have 50,000 – 70,000 thoughts each … [Read more...]
The 2nd of 3 Simple Hacks For Getting to The Attraction Zone Fast
“If they don’t pay rent in your mind, evict them.” -- SuccessDiaries Thanks for stopping back to receive my Law of Attraction Shortcut #2. Last week, I shared that my research into the Law of Attraction led me to the discovery that we are always in ‘The Attraction Zone.’ Every thought we think attracts to us what we … [Read more...]
The 1st of 3 Simple Hacks For Getting to The Attraction Zone Fast
“We all possess more power and greater possibilities than we realize, and visualizing is one of the greatest of these powers.” -- Genevieve Berhrend Ever wonder why sometimes it feels easy to attract what you want and other times it seems like you are working very hard with no results? Years ago, I used to ponder on … [Read more...]
If Life is all about the Journey, Then Here’s The 1st Step
“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” -- Lao Tzu I was introduced to Lao Tzu’s quote (above) when I was a child. And, I could barely wait until I was finally old enough for my ‘journey’ to begin as an adult. Yet, when I graduated from college and was free to start … [Read more...]