“Every decision you make, makes you.” -- Cassandra Clare Asking someone else to tell me what to do was always my fearful, lazy, wimpy way out of making a decision. Of course, my internal ‘knowingness’ would always tell me what the ‘right’ decision was for me. Yet, I often did not have the courage to make and act upon that … [Read more...]
How Giving Your Self Permission to Take a Rest Stop Makes You More Attractive
“I want to do the best work possible, and I can only do that if I'm relaxed and have a lot of energy. And that can only come from taking time off.” --Jason Scott Lee I learned the principle of taking regular rest stops when I first began learning Nia Technique® routines with the Goal of teaching classes to help others … [Read more...]
Who’s Got Your Back?
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, “What! You, too?” I thought I was the only one.” -- C. S. Lewis Am I the only one who makes commitments to myself and then forgets those commitments almost as soon as I make them? Probably not. I believe that is why God created us with the desire to form … [Read more...]
How To Fall In Love With Yourself in 1 Attractive Step
“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” --Lucille Ball Ever have one of those days when it feels like everyone is upset with you? Yup, I used to have those days…often. In fact, I had those days so often that I became a master at … [Read more...]
Why Putting On Your Own Oxygen Mask First Makes You More Attractive
“Put yourself first...Because if you can't care about yourself, how are you gonna care for someone else?”-- Anonymous Anyone who has ever flown in a plane has heard the flight attendant give these instructions: "In the event of a decompression, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you. To start the flow of … [Read more...]