I’ve always believed that the best place to start is at the end! Or, as I like to paraphrase the old saying, “If you don’t know where you are going, you are sure to end up where you don’t want to be.” This is why I want to be sure I know my intended end result before I start any project! By knowing where I … [Read more...]
3 Ways Scheduling For Success Makes You More Attractive
“Planning is a process of choosing among those many options. If we do not choose to plan, then we choose to have others plan for us.” -- Richard I. Winwood I almost lost a friendship because I used to be late all the time. My friend told me not to ever call her again to make lunch plans until I was sure that I could be on … [Read more...]
Did You Really Intend To Do That?
"A good intention clothes itself with sudden power." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson They say that each day is the first day of the rest of our lives. That's why I take time as soon as I wake up each day to intend what I will do with my life each day. Whatever I have chosen to put on my calendar for the … [Read more...]