When it comes time to ask for the money in exchange for your products/services - do you get uncomfortable? Is that the icky part of being in business for you? In this quick video, I explain why we so many us get squirmy when it comes to asking for the money - - and what to say and do that makes it so much easier! Watch … [Read more...]
How to Go From Information Overload to Massive Action – Tip #3
'Do you make up reasons why you can't? Or do you explore all the ways you possibly can? What to do about all those courses you have bought and NEVER went through or took any action on? Tip 3 – Revisit Old Material With a New Spin It’s not too late to start now! In fact, all of the courses you are … [Read more...]
How to Go From Information Overload to Massive Action – Tip #2
'Our minds can be used to worry or to win. Which do you choose?' If you are ready to go to the next step of eliminating information overload...I am ready too... Tip 2 – Decide If The Information is Necessary at the Time Another thing to keep in mind is that you don’t need to learn everything all at … [Read more...]
How to Go From Information Overload to Massive Action – Tip #1
'Stay focused on the result you want and stop dwelling on your concerns. One leads to possibilities. The other to dead ends!' I think the most popular word in the English language right now is 'OVERWHELM.' And what is contributing to it is 'INFORMATION OVERLOAD.' I used to be one of those people who … [Read more...]
How To Train Your Brain to Achieve Success Tip #5
'Stop your brain from working against you and become your best friend!' Can you count on your brain? Accountability is the willingness to be consciously responsible for every choice your mind makes. It means doing what you say you will do. When an activity does not produce the results you had planned, your mind … [Read more...]