This is Part 2 of the Sales Tip I shared last week. Today we are focusing on allowing our mind to take short periods of time away from thinking about our goals. It is a conscious practice of rejuvenation. It’s a pro-active pause in the activity to catch one’s breath and to ensure there is a balance between … [Read more...]
How to set up your own FB group to make more sales
Recently, the 'Selling From Your Comfort Zone' Book Club gathered and I expanded on what I wrote in Chapter 8 of the book -- how to set up and run your own FB group to make more sales. Seems that most of the members were not taking advantage of all the ways that FB groups can make it easy to qualify a prospect and … [Read more...]
How To Schedule for Success Tip #2
GOALS AND INTENTIONS TO FULFILL “THE B-ALL”™ I have found, over the course of the many years that I have been fortunate to coach others in achieving their B-Alls™, that most people are confused as to the difference between a goal and an intention. And, depending upon the number of people whom you ask – … [Read more...]
3 Ways Scheduling For Success Makes You More Attractive
“Planning is a process of choosing among those many options. If we do not choose to plan, then we choose to have others plan for us.” -- Richard I. Winwood I almost lost a friendship because I used to be late all the time. My friend told me not to ever call her again to make lunch plans until I was sure that I could be on … [Read more...]
These 10 Tips Will Ensure Your Meetings Are Successful
“If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be 'meetings'." ~Dave Barry There is a real possibility that I AM co-creating harmoniously powerful meetings. As a coach and consultant for the past 15 years, after a career as a … [Read more...]
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