This is Part 2 of the Sales Tip I shared last week. Today we are focusing on allowing our mind to take short periods of time away from thinking about our goals. It is a conscious practice of rejuvenation. It’s a pro-active pause in the activity to catch one’s breath and to ensure there is a balance between … [Read more...]
Train Your Brain To Stay Focused
‘Stay focused on the result you want and stop dwelling on your concerns. One leads to possibilities. The other to dead ends!’ This is Brain Awareness Week and I am sure you do agree that info overload is a real thing for us all. You could say it is an 'info-demic'. The good news is that it doesn't take meds to cure … [Read more...]
How To Train Your Brain To Achieve Success Tip #4
'Train your brain to rejuvenate itself.' Today we will train our brain to rejuvenate itself. It is essential that you allow your mind to take short periods of time away from thinking about the goal. It is a conscious practice of rejuvenation. It’s a pro-active pause in the activity to catch one’s breath and to ensure … [Read more...]
How To Train Your Brain to Achieve Success Tip #3
'Train your brain to give you the credit you deserve.' How kind are you being to yourself? Especially during the Seeding and Sprouting stages of your goal, the mind will tend to get impatient with seeing results. That is when it is most important to celebrate your matter how small. Here’s a few … [Read more...]
How To Train Your Brain to Achieve Success Tip #2
Today we will focus on training your brain in stages to achieve your goals. Consider the 4 stages of goal achievement as similar to the stages of the growth of a rose bush: Seeding, Sprouting, Blooming and Resting It is important for your mind to identify what stage of the cycle your goal is in so that you can schedule the … [Read more...]