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Dear Chi-Lifters,
Thank you, again, for requesting to receive these Weekly Chi-Lifts, which I intend will provde you with a burst of energy from which to aCHIeve all you desire during the coming week.
The energy is contained within the ‘intentional activities’ I will be inviting you to implement during the week. The burst of power will be released to you as you implement these ‘intentional activities’.
In addition to these Weekly Chi-Lifts, I encourage you to participate in the Chi-To-Be! conversation groups on Facebook and LinkedIN. Share the discoveries you experience as you implement these ‘intentional activities’ to empower yourself and to provide inspirations to your fellow chi-lifters.
The links to both of these groups on the home page at https://www.chi-to-be.com
Here’s your first Weekly Chi-Lift!…
Chi-To-Be! is more than a book, audio programs, and a coaching program — it is MOVEMENT away from the depression that has engulfed so many people who feel disappointed, discouraged and let-down that their goals have not yet been fulfilled.
Chi-To-Be! is a MOVEMENT towards self-intentions, self-empowerment, self-upliftment and self-fulfillment!
With that in mind and heart, take a moment to consider what you intend to create for yourself as a result of receiving these Weekly Chi-Lifts.
As the saying goes — If you know what you want, you will get it.
And, — If you don’t know what you want, you will get that.
This week’s chi-lifting ‘intentional activity’ is created to support you in developing strength and skill in asking for what you want from yourself.
Asking for what you want of and from yourself is the foundation on which to create your B-All and the goals that lead to the fulfillment of your B-All.
1. Take a moment now to determine your ‘intentions’ for implementing the Weekly Chi-Lifts.
2. Then, take one more step… post your ‘intentions’ on either the Chi-To-Be! Facebook group or the Chi-To-Be! LinkedIN group as a self-empowering declaration and an inspiration to us all.
3. Read Chapter 1 of ‘Chi-To-Be! Achieving Your Ultimate B-All’ or Listen to Session 1 of the ‘Chi-To-Be! Basic Series CDs’ for more Energy Surges related to this Chi-Lift.
4. Utilize the Chi-To-Be! AChievment Guide as a guided coaching tool in identifying what you want and intend to have towards the aCHIevement of your goals and B-All!
BE Empowered — BE Powerful — Take Life By Your B-All!
Copyright 2010 Stacey Hall and Chi-To-Be!, LLC
With Joy,
Stacey Hall, L.S.H., C.A.C., C.R.P., C.N.T.C
Whole-Life Success Expert
Chi-To-Be! Author, Creator, Catalyst