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Here’s your Weekly Chi-Lift!…
Take a moment to consider what you would like to have more of in your life….
Would you like to have more paying clients?
Would you like to have more people who appreciate you in your life?
Would you like to have more peaceful people in your life?
Would you like to have a larger home…or a home in a different location?
Would you like to have children…or another child?
Would you like to have a special person/lover/mate in your life…or a better one than you already have :-)?
If so, then it is time to play the ‘Have Some…Want More!’ Game.
It’s quite simple to play.
The rules of the game are:
1. Think about what you want more of in your life.
2. Think about what you already have that is similar to what you want.
3. Love, love, love on what you already have to attract more of it in your life.
I said it was simple….however, there is one challenging part…the game must be played all day every day!
Whenever I think about something I want, I must also think about something I already have that is similar…and then take a loving action towards it.
For example, when I want to attract more paying clients, I must then think about clients I have already attracted who I enjoy.
Once those clients are in my mind, I must take an action to let them know I love and appreciate them.
Perhaps, I call them just to say hello and see how they are doing. Perhaps, I send them a special discount coupon for no reason. Perhaps, I send them information that would be of interest to them…or simply, a funny joke or youtube video to lift their spirits.
Simply putting the focus and appreciation on what I already have and loving it (and them) activates the Law of Attraction and I do easily attract more of what I want into my life.
Now, you may ask what do I do when I do not already have some of what I want.
Great question!
Before I attracted my husband, I gave love and appreciation to my friends for all the ways they added companionship, fun, and joy into my life.
Before I attracted people who interview me on their radio and tv shows, I appreciated my coaching clients who asked me questions and were interested in what I have to share.
Currently, I am intending for me and my family to own a larger home in another location. Every day, I appreciate and love the home I currently own and live in. I take loving intentional actions to keep my home clean, clear of clutter, and chi-lifting. I trust that my actions will attract to me more of what I already have and appreciate.
See how it works?
There is always something in our life that we can appreciate!
When we give our focus and attention to what we already have – as an intentional activity towards our goal – we align with and attract more of what we want to come to us with ease and grace.
1. Read Chapter 6, ‘The Power of Love” of ‘Chi-To-Be! Achieving Your Ultimate B-All ‘ or Listen to the ‘Chi-To-Be! Basic Series CDs’ for more Energy Surges and tips related to this Chi-Lift.
2. Make a list of your goals.
3. Make a list of what you already have that is similar to your goals. And, then create ways to love, love, love on what you already have.
4. Utilize the Chi-To-Be! AChievement Guide as a guided mentoring tool in identifying what you want and intend to have towards the aCHIevement of your goals and B-All!
In addition to these Weekly Chi-Lifts, I encourage you to participate in the Chi-To-Be! conversation groups on Facebook and LinkedIN. Share the discoveries you experience as you implement these ‘intentional activities’ to empower yourself and to provide inspirations to your fellow chi-lifters.
The links to both of these groups are located to the right on this page.
Thank you, again, for requesting to receive these Weekly Chi-Lifts. The burst of power will be released to you as you implement these ‘intentional activities’.
BE Empowered — BE Powerful — Take Life By Your B-All!
Copyright 2010 Stacey Hall and Chi-To-Be!, LLC
With Joy,
Stacey Hall, L.S.H., C.A.C., C.R.P., C.N.T.C
Whole-Life Success Expert
Chi-To-Be! Author, Creator, Catalyst