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Welcome to Your Weekly Chi-Lift!…
Despite the fact that most people tend to look to other people for inspiration and upliftment, each of us was born with our own power generator!
Yet, somewhere along the way, the instruction manual for operating our personal generators for optimum performance was misplaced.
That was the truth for me!
Which is why, once I found my manual, I felt inspired to write ‘Chi-To-Be! Achieving Your Ultimate B-All‘ for everyone who has not yet found theirs.
Within Chi-To-Be!, I share the 11 Chi-To-Be! Energy Surges which keep my personal generator operating efficiently.
For the next 11 weeks, I will be sharing how each one of the Chi-To-Be! Energy Surges boosts the power of our own generators with ease.
This week, Let’s start with Energy Surge #1: Scheduling For Success.
When I identify my B-All (the greatest goal I intend to achieve in this lifetime), as well as the 3 goals that must be achieved first in order for my B-All to be fulfilled — and then schedule 2 intentional activities to be accomplished towards each goal each week — I am filled with energy and enthusiasm.
I feel empowered to move my ideas and projects forward.
I feel inspired to share my ideas with others.
I feel confident in my relationships with others.
And, my power is continuously generated as each of my intentional activities automatically produces even more intentional activities…as well as results….each one moving me forward and ever closer to the fulfillment of my goals.
I am plugged into my power source!
1. Learn more about Scheduling for Success in Chapter 1 of ‘Chi-To-Be! Achieving Your Ultimate B-All ‘ or Listen to the ‘Chi-To-Be! Basic Series CDs’ for more Energy Surges and tips related to this Chi-Lift.
2. Ask yourself the following questions:
How do you feel in this moment?
What is the #1 goal (B-All) you feel you intend to achieve as soon as possible?
What are 3 goals that must be acheived before you can achieve your #1 goal?
What are 2 activities (meetings, phone calls, projects, etc.) related to each one of the 3 goals which you can schedule on your calendar for this week right now?
Did you now schedule these 6 activities for this week?
How do you feel now? Has anything shifted for you in your physical body, mental body, and/or emotional body?
3. Utilize the Chi-To-Be! AChievement Guide as a guided mentoring tool in identifying what you want and intend to have towards the aCHIevement of your goals and B-All!
In addition to these Weekly Chi-Lifts, I encourage you to participate in the Chi-To-Be! conversation groups on Facebook and LinkedIN. Share the discoveries you experience as you implement these ‘intentional activities’ to empower yourself and to provide inspirations to your fellow chi-lifters.
The links to both of these groups are located to the right on this page.
Thank you, again, for requesting to receive these Weekly Chi-Lifts. The burst of power will be released to you as you implement these ‘intentional activities’.
BE Empowered — BE Powerful — Take Life By Your B-All!
Copyright 2010 Stacey Hall and Chi-To-Be!, LLC
With Joy,
Stacey Hall, L.S.H., C.A.C., C.R.P., C.N.T.C
Whole-Life Success Expert
Chi-To-Be! Author, Creator, Catalyst