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Here’s your 8th Weekly Chi-Lift!…
Which side of the bed did you wake up on this morning?
Was it the side on which you feel energized, invigorated, and empowered — ready to add chi-lifting energy to the world?
Or, was it the side on which you feel you want to crawl back under the covers and hide in the dark all day?
To ensure I always wake up on the chi-lifting side of the bed each morning, I must ensure that I go to sleep on the chi-lifting side the night before.
And, you can too!
The chi-lifting side is created when we create our own ‘Chi-Lifting Ritual’ Energy Surge!
One Chi-Lifting Ritual I created for myself at bedtime is to take time to review the day’s activities through the eyes of Acknowledgment…acknowledging myself for all of my accomplishments for that day (even if all I feel I can acknowledge is that I got out of bed that morning!).
I call this practice an ‘Appreciation Perspective Experience’ (APE).
The more I allow myself to go APE before drifting off to sleep, the happier I wake up in the morning.
Once I have acknowledged myself for all my accomplishments for that day, I then plan ahead for how I intend for the next day to be. I consider all the intentional activities I have planned for the next day and I envision myself accomplishing those activities with ease and success.
I envision each activity of my day from the moment I wake up all the way to my APE ritual the next night by imagining and feeling the results I intend to achieve in order to acknowledge their accomplishment at the end of the next day.
In planning my next day this way the night before, I wake up knowing exactly what to do next and moment to moment…I feel in charge of my day!
I wake up already energized, empowered, and inspired to take immediate action.
And, my day is far more ‘success-full’ as a result!
1. Read Chapters 2 and 7 of ‘Chi-To-Be! Achieving Your Ultimate B-All’ or Listen to the ‘Chi-To-Be! Basic Series CDs’ for more Energy Surges and tips related to this Chi-Lift.
2. Post your your experience of playing with this Weekly Chi-Lift on the Chi-To-Be! Facebook group or the Chi-To-Be! LinkedIN group as a self-empowering declaration and an inspiration to us all. The links to these groups are provided to the right.
3. Utilize the Chi-To-Be! AChievement Guide as a guided mentoring tool in identifying what you want and intend to have towards the aCHIevement of your goals and B-All!
In addition to these Weekly Chi-Lifts, I encourage you to participate in the Chi-To-Be! conversation groups on Facebook and LinkedIN. Share the discoveries you experience as you implement these ‘intentional activities’ to empower yourself and to provide inspirations to your fellow chi-lifters.
The links to both of these groups are located to the right on this page.
Thank you, again, for requesting to receive these Weekly Chi-Lifts. The burst of power will be released to you as you implement these ‘intentional activities’.
BE Empowered — BE Powerful — Take Life By Your B-All!
Copyright 2010 Stacey Hall and Chi-To-Be!, LLC
With Joy,
Stacey Hall, L.S.H., C.A.C., C.R.P., C.N.T.C
Whole-Life Success Expert
Chi-To-Be! Author, Creator, Catalyst